Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, Rainmakers!

It's only one day til Turkey Day... best puts it -- A compassionate world begins with you. As you give thanks to the last year, why not remember the turkeys?

Since 1986, Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt-A-Turkey Project has encouraged people to save a turkey at Thanksgiving through sponsorships that helps them rescue animals and provide care for them at their sanctuaries, as well as educate and advocate for turkeys, and other farm animals, everywhere. Now is your chance to join us in saving even more lives this year.

The Rainmaker Network is pleased to to announce that we have sponsor-adopted two turkeys this year--Serendipity and Faye.

To share on Thanksgiving is human.
To share with a turkey on Thanksgiving is divine.

Whether you're enjoying turkey or Tofurkey, The Rainmaker Network wishes you a happy Thanksgiving...and thanks the Sierra Club for the turkey referral.


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