Monday, January 12, 2009

Taking a leap of faith is not necessarily bad.

As one of our loyal blog readers stated, "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass -- It's about learning to dance in the rain."

When I was a wee child in elementary school, I remember sitting at my desk and dangling my feet from my seat whenever the lesson got incredibly boring. We shared desks, and our classroom was the most tricked out trailer on the lot. It was a great school with excellent teachers despite the little resources we received from the state.

One day, I decided to ask my teacher why people went to college. She subsequently opened up a discussion in class and somehow, we all came to the conclusion that we wanted to attend college to develop a philosophy on life. In hindsight I doubt that a third grade class really knows what philosophy means, let alone a philosophy on life.

Fast forward to a few decades later. At any given moment I can go back and ask my parents, or any number of my peers (five of whom I reconnected with this last week!) and ask them that same question...and chances are, they'll tell me that they went to college to find a good job.

To some, a "good job" means a steady paycheck, a hefty paycheck or a prestigious title. To others it's a mean to an end...perhaps a good job that covers the bills and allows them to pursue their passion. (In LA I've happened upon a few actresses and artists who hold multiple jobs outside of their art.)

If you were to ask me, I've had a lot of great jobs -- a short stint in the military, a nursing assistant, a junior field archaeological assistant, video store clerk extraordinaire. To me, a "good job" was a temporary stepping stone to a great opportunity. After exhausting all of my other potential career avenues I decided to take a leap of faith and pursue my passion. I spent my college years carving out a niche while learning about the world around me and, most importantly, myself.

I was scared to pursue my dreams wholeheartedly because (sadly enough) I was uneducated about my prospects in the secretive, ominous job market that older people kept referring to. After conducting a copious amount of research I found that there were plenty of opportunities to pursue my dreams. After a few post-college "good jobs" I knew that I wanted to pursue the graphic + communication arts while helping make the world a better place. Enter The Rainmaker Network.

I haven't looked back since!

Post a comment and let me know what your dream job is. I'll try my best to get you there!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for some background on where you have been and how you are now with The Rainmaker Network. I feel the same way about plenty of job opportunities out there to pursue my dreams. All of my jobs have been good ones too because they have provided me with the money to pay my bills, but I am looking to pursue a career in education working in the inner city schools.


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