Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gisselle remembers a time not too long ago...

I remember being a wide eye and bushy tailed college student ready and prepared to take on the world all by myself if I had to. Somewhere along the way either through brooks, mentors, teachers, society, or just plain life I was convinced that the second I walked off that stage with my college degree in hand I would instantly be bombarded with 10-20 job offers at 6 figures each with the most amazing benefits package ever. Unfortunately this was not the case and along the way and journey through my professional career some lessons have been more difficult to learn then others. Apparently I am not the only college-educated person that felt their future would have the same storyline and found themselves very quickly slapped across the face with the “real world”, and no I'm not talking about that show MTV still manages to produce 20 seasons later.

As someone with a Master's degree in Education and more importantly someone that truly believes in the importance and value of an education and a holistic college experience I do have one beef to pick with higher Ed. I feel that there is a lack within our educational system to prepare students for life outside of the dorms, frat houses, school cafeterias, classrooms, and spring break. Where are all the classes on the importance of credit, paying utility bills, purchasing a car or renting an apartment, and most importantly finding a job in a field of your interest in an area that you are passionate about and that you just dedicated 4+ years to studying in school? No, I am not saying the theory is not important or relevant, but just as important is an experiential learning component and putting the theory and knowledge into real world practice.

The reality is that there are many things college does not prepare us for in terms of living an independent life in today’s society. So with that there is a need for a substitution. My suggestion is don’t sit around and sulk about it, do something. Be proactive instead of reactive and take charge of your future. And not 2nd semester senior year, the earlier you start the better. With thousands of students graduating every year and less and less employment opportunities due to our current economic climate companies are no longer just looking for a college degree and your GPA. They want to know more and see more. They want to see that you have taken advantage of internship and research opportunities; they want to see that you have developed a work portfolio and strong resume; they want to see that you have a professional demeanor and know how to present yourself in a professional setting and interview. These notions along with having a strong professional network behind you are the wave of the new future. Make sure you dust off your surfboard and take a ride!

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Gisselle can be found in LA connecting with university students on a daily basis! Reach her at


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