Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Recessionista Tips: October 09
Welcome back my financially aware friends. I hope you all found my tips from last month extremely helpful. I also hope you all have a lot more change in your pockets. Let's try to save you even more with these next set of tips:
Have you ever gone to 1 store, and bought an item, just to go into another store to the same or similar item for cheaper? The solution to your shopper's remorse is to plan ahead. Window shop online for the items you like and go through all the stores you frequent to find the same items for the cheapest prices. It'll save you money without sacrificing your wishlist.
Check the sales papers! So many restaurants are finally realizing that we're in a recession and are responding by giving you lots of food for small prices. Many of them also offer coupons on top of their special prices. Try Chili's new deal: 3 courses, 2 people, $20.
Challenge yourself. Buy a pedometer, which counts the steps you take, and join Kaiser's 10,000 steps program. The more you walk, the more calories you burn, the better you feel. This program challenges you to take more steps like choosing the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator, or even taking the long way to class.
Who wants to spend $50-$60 on a new video game that you plan on beating anyways? Let's go back to how it used to be and rent games. Gamefly.com is the Netflix for video games. You choose which games you want to play, they deliver them to your door, you play them FOR AS LONG AS YOU WANT, and return them when you're done so you can receive the next game on your list. You can try a free trial or get a membership starting at $8.95 a month.
It's the fall, and besides going back to school, there's something even better that happens: all of your favorite TV shows return with new seasons! Curl up on the couch and catch your show while talking to your friends about what the heck is going on with So-and-So and What's-His-Face's relationship. Missed your favorite show? You can watch many series online via Hulu.com.
Girls, it's time to become one of the guys; let your boyfriend have his time in front of the TV for football, basketball, baseball, etc. It may not sound like much of a date for you, but if you sit there, at least PRETEND to be interested, and don't ask questions after every sentence, trust me, he'll appreciate it. If you happen to like sports as well, get just as involved as he does. Root for your favorite team together or become temporary rivals for the night!
Have a great, thrifty month. Until next time everyone! By the way, if you feel like it, send me birthday wishes this Sunday. My thrifty birthday celebration may include a free ticket to Disneyland!
Out with the old, In with the new
When applying for jobs and getting in touch with companies there is one thing that sticks out in my mind; take the time to show companies you care and are interested!
Thinking this to be pretty sound advice I received in college, I put it into action. I hunted down some addresses, like my own version of CSI. I discovered who to contact in HR, where I could find them and the floor where HR was located. The only problem that remained after I found the building was….Security.
This was a recurring theme with a few large companies (that I desperately wanted to visit!) but, sadly I kept getting the same response from the security at the front desk: “You have to have a meeting”, “Email your resume to HR”, or “Your name is not on the list.”
All that hard detective work and no results. I realized that there are some old rules in the job force that still work like for instance, send a hand written thank you note and make sure you arrive on time. But, showing up with resume in hand, is no longer the way it works. In our day and age the computer seems to be rising in popularity for point of contact. So sit back down and apply to as many jobs as possible and then keep contacting your dream company until you get to talk to them!
Persistence is still the key, it is just changing forms.
Thinking this to be pretty sound advice I received in college, I put it into action. I hunted down some addresses, like my own version of CSI. I discovered who to contact in HR, where I could find them and the floor where HR was located. The only problem that remained after I found the building was….Security.
This was a recurring theme with a few large companies (that I desperately wanted to visit!) but, sadly I kept getting the same response from the security at the front desk: “You have to have a meeting”, “Email your resume to HR”, or “Your name is not on the list.”
All that hard detective work and no results. I realized that there are some old rules in the job force that still work like for instance, send a hand written thank you note and make sure you arrive on time. But, showing up with resume in hand, is no longer the way it works. In our day and age the computer seems to be rising in popularity for point of contact. So sit back down and apply to as many jobs as possible and then keep contacting your dream company until you get to talk to them!
Persistence is still the key, it is just changing forms.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
15 minutes early is (what I call) on time
During my trip I was reminded of a bunch of interview tips as well as some new ideas to add to my list!
Before going into a string of interviews make sure and review your OWN resume and refresh your memory of everything listed. If you have any new experience be sure to add it to your resume. (ex. I forgot I had written punctual and organized and a potential employer asked me about it! Thank goodness I arrived right on time!)
my professional look briefcase and portfolio in hand!
Take advantage of your trip and schedule as many meetings as possible! I had the opportunity to meet with the head of HR at a corporation. It wasn’t an interview for a specific position, but it was a wonderful meeting! I had the opportunity to speak with 3 employees who offered invaluable advice! I was lucky enough to gain industry contacts and I received valuable feedback on my portfolio.
Don’t forget, this is your chance to interview the company also. Take your time asking questions and discovering how the office works and where you will fit into that system.
I always ran into more people at the company than planned so I was glad that I had stashed some extra resumes in my bag!
When job searching and planning for interviews keep an open mind to your career possibilities. Most importantly, always be ready to go, you never know who you might run into and where you will see them. Someone may email you last minute to come in for a meeting!
Have some fun, enjoy the city, and snag a great job!
don't forget to enjoy a piece of the unforgettable new york city pizza!
Friday, October 2, 2009
OneLovefor...Music Benefit
Hey Rainmakers!
My name is Rebecca and I'm the newest addition to TRN team. Last Saturday I accompanied Lance and Amara to the OneLovefor...Music benefit at the BOXeight Studios in downtown LA. It was such an incredible and stimulating experience.
OneLove's founder Lee Waterworth orchestrated a bevy of cutting edge rock and alternative bands to perform in a slim, modern gallery space adorned with Pop and Postmodern art pieces. Lee also commisioned a talented graffiti artist to paint an exterior wall of the BOXeight building- and the results were definately eye catching! The artist painted an otherworldly, part skeletal, part supernatural woman donned with pink flowing hair and a crown.
Outside of the gallery space in a mini courtyard were crowds of people enjoying the music and another artist, creating his portraits and other works right in front of viewers! The adjoining BOXeight space held a silent auction and classy, modern lounging sofas with lots of fashionably dressed guests.
Last Saturday's OneLovefor...Music event was truly amazing. Make sure to check out our up and coming events. See you there!
My name is Rebecca and I'm the newest addition to TRN team. Last Saturday I accompanied Lance and Amara to the OneLovefor...Music benefit at the BOXeight Studios in downtown LA. It was such an incredible and stimulating experience.
OneLove's founder Lee Waterworth orchestrated a bevy of cutting edge rock and alternative bands to perform in a slim, modern gallery space adorned with Pop and Postmodern art pieces. Lee also commisioned a talented graffiti artist to paint an exterior wall of the BOXeight building- and the results were definately eye catching! The artist painted an otherworldly, part skeletal, part supernatural woman donned with pink flowing hair and a crown.
Outside of the gallery space in a mini courtyard were crowds of people enjoying the music and another artist, creating his portraits and other works right in front of viewers! The adjoining BOXeight space held a silent auction and classy, modern lounging sofas with lots of fashionably dressed guests.
Last Saturday's OneLovefor...Music event was truly amazing. Make sure to check out our up and coming events. See you there!
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