Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Healthy fats make you smarter!

Did you know your brain is about 60% fat? That your hormones are made from fat? 60% of your heart’s energy comes from burning fats. Your lungs need fat to work and keep them from collapsing. Fats help you absorb certain nutrients, including fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

I know there’s all this confusing information out there about what’s healthy to eat and what isn’t. One myth out there is that fat is bad. Low fat and non-fat products became all the rage in the 90s, but not all fats are created equal.

Monounsaturated fats are the healthy kind. The best example is olive oil, but don’t cook with it. High temperatures change the chemical make up of olive oil, which can make it carcinogenic (cancer causing). For cooking, I’d recommend safflower and non-GMO canola oils.

Great sources for healthy fat: nuts, seeds, and avocado. I suggest adding flax or olive oil, plus some almond butter to your morning smoothie.

Signs that you might not be getting enough of the good stuff

* Lack of Mental Clarity upon awakening
* Depression
* Infertility
* Weight gain
* Brittle Fingernails
* Allergies
* Arthritis
* Poor Sleep
* Poor Memory
* Dry hair & skin
* Lack of Concentration
* Fatigue

You might have heard of Omega 3, 6, and 9 Essential Fatty Acids, but aren’t really sure what they do. EFAs can reduce risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's, arthritis and many other degenerative illnesses. Sources for Omega 3s: hemp seeds, flax seeds, borage oil, and primrose oil. Yes, some fish are a great source of EFAs, but most fish has dangerously high levels of mercury in them. If you are eating fish, wild Pacific salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies and sardines, and tuna can be good sources.

So when you’re cramming for your exams, grab some walnuts instead of pizza. Your body and your brain will thank. And you might even get better grades.

Live Natural. Live Well.
Heather Lounsbury, L.Ac.
Check out Heather's Web site at www.getnaturalgetwell.com


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