Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Technology for the Greener Good

Technology is constantly in the news. The more the world goes digital, the more the media covers the "next shiny thing". What many parents and other concerned adults don't realize is that you can use this budding technology to help out the environment and reducing your carbon footprint.

  1. Laptops: With the right laptop, you're able to unplug and still get the job done. Since a lot of college work is done on the computer instead of hand written, it also reduces paper use. Put your computer in power saver mode, unplug (yes, even at home), and type away.
  2. Navigation systems: A little on the more expensive side, have a navigation system will definitely reduce the amount of paper (and ink) you use on Mapquest directions to the next party. Most smart phones have a navigation app, so use it wisely. Hook up your Bluetooth to the device so the directions are spoken to you. Remember, no texting and driving!
  3. E-readers: Some book loyalists such as myself will argue against this, but e-readers are paving the way to save a lot of trees. With e-readers, you can receive books, magazines, and newspapers on one device. This also saves your allergies as those books collect dust over the years.
  4. Storage devices: Backing up your files is essential in this day and age. Reduce the clutter of the mounds of childhood photos in the old albums and put them on your computer. Scared of losing them? Back them up on external hard drives like the ones from Hitachi. I personally use the G-Drive mini, which holds 250 GB of storage. That's enough for your photos, old awards, report cards, and any other embarrassing memorabilia your mom has kept from your childhood.
  5. Online bill pay: I don't know many young adults who don't use online banking nowadays, but it's one of the greatest inventions ever. Make sure you sign up for electronic bill pay for those credit cards, and select to receive your bank statements online as well.
  6. Video conferencing: Programs like iChat, Skype, and oovoo makes it easier to keep up with friends far away with using your cell phone minutes or endless text messages. Some employers are also moving to interviews via video conferencing to reduce commuting and still keep it somewhat personal.
  7. Online shopping: Who needs to spend time, and gas, at the mall or grocery store when you can get all your shopping done online? Places like eBay, and ClickBee have just about everything you need to buy, and you can even rent textbooks from companies online like Chegg, where they'll send you the book in the same box you'll ship it back in, or Amazon where you can find textbooks for cheap. Even hospitals like Kaiser Permanente have hopped on the bandwagon and allow you to have your prescriptions mailed to your house.
  8. Workout at home: You can get your workout without leaving your home! Fitness is becoming more accessible as companies bring the classes to you. YogaVibes offers classes streamed live online, and O2 Max Fitness allows you to receive nutrition and fitness advice and plans via social media, e-mails, and your cell phone.
  9. Distance learning: Going to school in your pajamas has been just about every kid's dream, and now you can. You can get your education without stepping foot in a classroom. More classes, and even full degrees, are being offered online through distance learning programs. One school that is on the ball is San Diego State University, who just opened a virtual campus through SecondLife technology.
  10. Cell phone apps: App stores are saving our butts in college and making things so much easier. There's apps for flashcards for last minute studying, accessing Microsoft Office files in case you couldn't bring your laptop, making travel arrangements easier when you're going home for break, and even an app to turn off your lights when you forgot to do it at home.
There's so many different uses for the technologies readily available at our finger tips. Some adults may feel like it's making us lazy, but I believe it's actually making us more eco-conscious and responsible.

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