Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What I learned today: Volume 2

What Would Stacy and Clinton say?
 What you wear DOES count.

This is for all of us who have rolled out of bed at the VERY LAST SECOND to barely make it to work on time.   Sometimes it is so easy to fall into a routine with your work attire and maybe even get a little sloppy.  NO! stop right there… Sloppy is not allowed at work.

I have learned that getting dressed for work in a nice outfit will make a difference in how you feel, how others act around you and the impression you convey at work.  I’m not saying go buy a suit and wear only black and white and have no personality. Let’s be serious.  I’m saying its time to re-access your wardrobe.  There is a transition period from college clothes to work wardrobe.  So please take a minute (yes right now) to go through your wardrobe and get rid of those hole-y sweats, anything with permanent stains, your long ragged jeans and anything too tight and too small. 

The best place to see a transformation of any wardrobe would have to be on TLC’s What Not to Wear. I will admit I have been watching and enjoying What Not to Wear for years.  Stacy and Clinton, your new fashion guru’s, show that no matter your size, your personal style or your job that you CAN revamp and polish up your wardrobe so you look great in everything you put on.  

I used this show as an example because for me it is the easiest way to explain the importance of what you wear and non-verbal communication.  No matter how much you think it doesn’t matter what you wear, it ultimately lets your co-workers interpret who you are whether you like it or not. 
This article is not just about girl makeovers, it’s for the guys too!!  Boys be sure to click here and see some men with their new looks! You will be amazed!  Experiment, have fun, and start building your wardrobe with basics.  Stacy and Clinton have great tips for incorporating your personal style in a professional way.

Maybe even watch a few What Not to Wear episodes.  Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

Bottom Line? Before you leave the house in the morning, Ask yourself, "What would Stacy and Clinton say? 


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