Friday, July 9, 2010

Summertime challenge...what's your status?

Almost 25% of students who started looking for employment or internships before they finished the spring semester found a position. However, if you are of the unfortunate 75%, there are a few things you can do to still snag an internship or get your foot in the door.

We challenge you to optimize YOUR summer vacation. Check out our tips below and submit your story by August 31st for a chance to win a book scholarship for the Fall semester!

1. Explore an interest that you set aside during the school year. There's no better time than now to pursue something you're passionate about!

2. Take a summer class at a local community college that is completely unrelated to your major. You may find the pace and subject to be refreshing and to shed a new perspective.

3. Volunteer in your community. There's no better way to rub elbows with some pretty powerful people in your community! Roll up your sleeves and get started.

4. Get fit, mentally and physically. If you've ignored your health over the past nine months, it's time to get in shape and look great doing it. Exercise will help you feel better and build your confidence as you attend interviews and meet new people.

5. Make a 12-month plan. Take some time to re-think your job-hunting strategy and to re-examine your true interests. Methodically plan your next 12 months in terms of your education, career, health, finance, personal development, and more. Sign in and check out our Rain Resources for help and guidance!

Our phone lines and email boxes are completely open. Let us know how we can help -- no matter how big or small the task might be. We are here for you!


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