Friday, December 26, 2008

Blog Series / 3 of 6 / How to Green & Further Your Career During Winter Break

Today's blog for
How to Green & Further Your Career During Winter Break

Updating your resume is just as important as
updating your Rainmaker profile!

Your résumé is not a one trick pony.
Repeat after me -- My résumé is not a one trick pony.

  • Consider this: Your résumé should reflect your abilities to-date. Since you're on winter break, this is a great time to evaluate *gulp* what you learned this semester. Perhaps you're mastered Nahuatl, linear programming or Für Elise. Maybe you learned new software or you were trained in another medium of art. Give yourself credit where credit is due.
  • Are you a Jack of all trades, master of none? Did you spend the last semester refining your skills? Make sure you list your level of expertise after each skill and to make note of your progress. It may be wise to list any note-worthy recognition you've received from these skills as well.
  • If you've completed any internships this quarter, list your experience. If you're working, list any new milestones or achievements.
  • Did you attend any conferences? Were you invited as a guest speaker for your organization? Update your academic experiences with relevant information that shows your grasp of subject matter related to your career or internship objective.
  • If you won any new awards or scholarships, add those too!

GREEN TIP: If you have multiple resumes for different positions you are looking for, keep digital files of them on hand. Keeping paper copies around lend themselves to getting wrinkled, crinkled or folded...not something you'd want to hand over to a potential employer anyways.


lkmiller1014 said...

Reflecting on these most current experiences is a great way to keep everything recorded so that it is not forgotten when needed, no matter what the occasion might be. Keeping track of achievements, awards, etc. will be beneficial in the long run because many times, only some the information is used in a given circumstance.

Thanks for the tips!!

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