Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Years From The Rainmaker Network

Happy 2009 Rainmakers!

It's hard to imagine that 6 days of 2009 have already passed in the blink of an eye.

We at The Rainmaker Network are looking forward to an exciting 359 more days of the year...and we're looking to get started on the right foot. For the new year, our organization strives to develop more resources for students and partners -- not only online, either.

For those of you who are dying to meet us in person (who isn't?), we're scheduled to be on campus at CSU San Bernardino on January 20, 2009. We are the first lecturers at Senior Seminar, a series held annually for the CSUSB Department of Visual Art. For those of you who are not able to make the lecture but would still like to stay tuned...we are exploring our options on conducting a live-streaming Skype-cast.

Until then, you can catch us in between meetings and tea-time by calling us on Skype using the button below.

Skype Me™!


Anonymous said...

Hi Amara,

Happy 2009 to you and the Rainmaker Network!!!! It's nice to know you will be at CSU on January 20th....wish I were going to be there to listen to your lecture. I sure like the idea of a live stream for those who cannot make the the lecture.

Keep up the great work!!

Best regards,


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