Sunday, April 5, 2009

Be Proactive and Follow Up!

If there is one thing I have learned from my internship with The Rainmaker Network, it is the importance of following up. Whether it is with co-workers, clients, or future partners, following up shows interest in others and the work they are doing. Failing to follow up on the other hand shows lack of interest or that you can not commit and follow through on an assignment. It can also be taken as laziness or apathy, which is a quality no one wants around in the work place.

Working for The Rainmaker Network, an organization reaching out to students and campuses along the west coast has forced me to prioritize and make sure to follow up on all of my assignments. Not only do I want to create a positive and lasting impression for myself, but for The Rainmaker Network as well. Life is about making connections, and it is the impressions you leave with others that are going to get passed on. Showing that you have the drive to follow up on your word, and will use your initiative to do so, is part of a positive character that others respect.

As one of the PR interns at The Rainmaker Network, I have been contacting multiple campus organizations for possible partnerships. Following up can be the difference between a partnership or not. Unless blown away, possible partnership organizations are not going to eagerly respond to every contact message. If pursued continually however, there is a greater likelihood of success.

This said, be proactive! Follow up in a timely manner because it could make or break it for you in any given professional, academic, or social encounter you may come across in your future.


Anonymous said...

Hello Lauren....I enjoy reading your Rainblogs! Being proactive means everything in can either happen to you or you can make life happen. Being proactive makes life happen and means you are in control of your destiny.

Keep up the great work and I look forward to meeting you.


Anonymous said...

Rain mom is totally right! Following up makes such a difference when networking and job searching! It shows you are interested in new oppurtunites and gives a great impression! nice piece!

Amara Poolswasdi said...

HR Directors of the world rejoice!

Thanks for gently reminding our Rainmakers to follow up! 'Tis the season to network and follow through with your word.


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