Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Night of Laughs and Entertainment for a Great Cause
Over the past couple of years I have received numerous emails asking me to sign a petition that says I am aware of the crisis in Darfur and would like something to be done about it. While I have signed it a couple of times, it did not make me feel like I had made my mark on the world, or changed any situation dramatically. I have always been a firm believer that if you want something to get done, you probably will have to do it yourself (or rely on someone who you know is really reliable). Not to downplay the efforts that these organizations are making, I just wonder how long it takes, or how many signatures are required before any of the minds in power are changed.
Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend Action: Darfur with The Rainmaker Network. This event was a fundraiser, put on by Aisle 7 Events, to raise money for Relief International’s continuous aid in Darfur. Throughout the event, I was in a constant state of awe. The effort put into this event really showed how dedicated these people were to making an impact on the lives of others, whether it was the lives of the attendees, or those in Darfur living in a constant state of crisis.
Leaving the event, a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction came over me, and not as a result of all the delicious food I ate. These feelings came to me because of the noticeable effort individuals were putting forth, contributing towards a common goal. I was able to see and experience both the numerous amounts of people who had taken the time to attend the event as well as make donations towards Relief International’s effort to better the lives of the individuals living in distress. This event was put on to show and educate others, about the limitless help needed in Darfur, and the ways in which we can help. Fortunately, for everyone involved, I believe it was met with success.
While I was able to enjoy myself at the event (apart from some of the disturbing statistics presented about Darfur), it made me realize that volunteering can be an enjoyable experience. It does not only have to bring up images of manual labor such as weeding a hillside or repainting buildings. It can actually mean socializing and enjoying the company of others who share your beliefs for a night. It might even include laughing until you want to cry (if the lineup of performers includes hilarious comedians).
Although I have not attended many fundraising events in my lifetime of 22 years, I could still sense overall feelings of respect, gratitude, and desire to help Relief International with their relentless efforts in Darfur from those who were present. Attending Action: Darfur made me realize the simple ways in which I could get involved in my own community and impact the lives of those around me. It is not everyday that you get to see people coming together and making a collective effort to help the lives of others that they may not even know. It is through these events that my desire to help those in need increases. While I still may be young and without much influence, I do understand the power that determination, speech, and community can make when combined and put to good use.
Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend Action: Darfur with The Rainmaker Network. This event was a fundraiser, put on by Aisle 7 Events, to raise money for Relief International’s continuous aid in Darfur. Throughout the event, I was in a constant state of awe. The effort put into this event really showed how dedicated these people were to making an impact on the lives of others, whether it was the lives of the attendees, or those in Darfur living in a constant state of crisis.
Leaving the event, a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction came over me, and not as a result of all the delicious food I ate. These feelings came to me because of the noticeable effort individuals were putting forth, contributing towards a common goal. I was able to see and experience both the numerous amounts of people who had taken the time to attend the event as well as make donations towards Relief International’s effort to better the lives of the individuals living in distress. This event was put on to show and educate others, about the limitless help needed in Darfur, and the ways in which we can help. Fortunately, for everyone involved, I believe it was met with success.
While I was able to enjoy myself at the event (apart from some of the disturbing statistics presented about Darfur), it made me realize that volunteering can be an enjoyable experience. It does not only have to bring up images of manual labor such as weeding a hillside or repainting buildings. It can actually mean socializing and enjoying the company of others who share your beliefs for a night. It might even include laughing until you want to cry (if the lineup of performers includes hilarious comedians).
Although I have not attended many fundraising events in my lifetime of 22 years, I could still sense overall feelings of respect, gratitude, and desire to help Relief International with their relentless efforts in Darfur from those who were present. Attending Action: Darfur made me realize the simple ways in which I could get involved in my own community and impact the lives of those around me. It is not everyday that you get to see people coming together and making a collective effort to help the lives of others that they may not even know. It is through these events that my desire to help those in need increases. While I still may be young and without much influence, I do understand the power that determination, speech, and community can make when combined and put to good use.
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