Sunday, April 26, 2009
Staying true to Yourself
I would really enjoy it if the majority of my ideas began arriving in my head pre-bedtime. But time and time again they flock to my brain as I stand brushing my teeth or as I lie in bed trying to fall asleep. Although I try to scour news sources like the UCSB Daily Nexus or Yahoo’s homepage for interesting, student worthy topics, I’m beginning to realize that it is my own inspiration, or the ideas others find worthy, that drive me to write and work innovatively.
So now the real beginning… I cannot say with complete certainty when the idea came to me, I can assure you I was in the midst of procrastinating or going to bed. With another chapter of my life soon coming to a close, I am no longer able to put off and avoid the future that is readily approaching. Although I have had decent work experience through my college years, I along with many other students, are finding ourselves in a seemingly sinking ship of opportunities. As I have written before however, I will not give up hope. Persistence and perseverance is the key to success.
Another key to success is keeping true to who you really are. For me, this process involves a lot of reflection and digging to uncover any part of my identity that has gotten lost or buried in these four years of college. I remember my last graduation which marked the begging of my current journey about to end. It was a time when all that mattered was getting out of my house and finally being able to declare independence. Something strange occurred that I was not exactly prepared for however. Those parents and life I was trying to leave have continued to stay a big part of my life, and although I don’t like to admit it, they do influence the decisions I make. Finding the right balance between your own self identity and the life your parents want you to have is a struggle that many students have to deal with, especially in our economy where the options of finding a dream job are limited.
Having already gone through the process themselves, I understand why they want to make sure their two cents get heard. Although your parents may be the source you trust the most, they may not be the most objective, and or realistic. Remember that you are not your parents, and you know yourself better than anyone else. While in the process of obtaining information about possible career options, try to reference a source that allows YOU to decide what is best. I am not saying to ignore what your parents have to say, just take it with a grain of salt and always, remember to breathe.
So now the real beginning… I cannot say with complete certainty when the idea came to me, I can assure you I was in the midst of procrastinating or going to bed. With another chapter of my life soon coming to a close, I am no longer able to put off and avoid the future that is readily approaching. Although I have had decent work experience through my college years, I along with many other students, are finding ourselves in a seemingly sinking ship of opportunities. As I have written before however, I will not give up hope. Persistence and perseverance is the key to success.
Another key to success is keeping true to who you really are. For me, this process involves a lot of reflection and digging to uncover any part of my identity that has gotten lost or buried in these four years of college. I remember my last graduation which marked the begging of my current journey about to end. It was a time when all that mattered was getting out of my house and finally being able to declare independence. Something strange occurred that I was not exactly prepared for however. Those parents and life I was trying to leave have continued to stay a big part of my life, and although I don’t like to admit it, they do influence the decisions I make. Finding the right balance between your own self identity and the life your parents want you to have is a struggle that many students have to deal with, especially in our economy where the options of finding a dream job are limited.
Having already gone through the process themselves, I understand why they want to make sure their two cents get heard. Although your parents may be the source you trust the most, they may not be the most objective, and or realistic. Remember that you are not your parents, and you know yourself better than anyone else. While in the process of obtaining information about possible career options, try to reference a source that allows YOU to decide what is best. I am not saying to ignore what your parents have to say, just take it with a grain of salt and always, remember to breathe.
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Most of my post-college life has been spent thinking with my heart and not my head. It has served me incredibly well and I highly suggest that students take the path that best suit their goals and needs. Happiness is important -- you can always downsize or live on less money, but the effects of NOT doing what you love cost more than a few dollars...they cost you the best years of your life.
You have to live with your decisions -- might as well make them YOURS. Never live in someone else's what makes you happy!
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