Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Experience is the one thing in life you always get after you need it....

A few years ago, I started college at Auburn and was so excited and energetic. I anticipated all of the experiences I would have throughout my college years. Today I have just celebrated my first fall semester away from school. It's weird to not pack up my bag and head off with a list of classes for the day. In celebration of my post-college life, I thought I would impart some knowledge on our Rainmakers who still have that coveted first day of class!
These are the things I know now...that I wish I would’ve known then!
  1. DO finish your homework
  2. DON’T spend every waking hour in the library, just the time needed.
  3. Go on trips with your friends, college is the one time in your life when you can do whatever you want whenever you want. You are only responsible for yourself.
  4. Ask questions in your classes. Your teacher will start to like you, even more.
  5. Explore and Enjoy. You don’t have to decide on a major your first day of school.
  6. STUDY ABROAD. Do it. More than once! No questions asked.
  7. Volunteer and become involved on campus! It will help you figure out what you like and you will make lots of friends.
  8. It will go by too fast!
  9. Important: study something that you love!
  10. You can learn something from everyone you meet!
  11. You shouldn’t wait until all your clothes are dirty to do your laundry
  12. You don’t have to be best friends with your roommate
  13. You will make friends every year, some are fair weather and others are life long, its ok to move on. You change and so do they.
  14. Be Safe and Have fun!
Now that I've moved back to Columbia, MO, (Home of The Missouri Tigers!), I am able to live vicariously through all the students prancing around on campus. I am looking forward to all the new experiences I will have as an Auburn Alum in the real world!


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