Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Good News

Empowering Africa Through Gaming

Urgent Evoke: It's a brand new online game that is revolutionizing how and why we play. Created by a designer who sees gamers as "superheroes with untapped potential," Jane McGonigal is harnessing their legendary dedication and commitment to the game for a greater good.

Read more about Urgent Evoke:

Penn State Students Help Haiti

It's called Project Haiti. Each year since 1997, a group of Penn State students have traveled to Haiti on their Spring Break and donated clothing and toys to children at the Maison Fortune orphanage near Hinche. This year, as always, Penn students are bringing bags bursting with supplies- but they're also arriving with a sense of urgency. Project Haiti's leader, Senior Alain Bonny, is from the nation. He lost three family members to the quake. Despite his loss, Bonny is determined to lead his fellow students on their mission to Maison Fortune and to help as many people as they can. Bonny will return later in the summer to help his own family recover.

Although Project Haiti is a huge Spring Break trip, there are many ways to donate your time to the community. What do you plan on doing for Spring Break- and how will you lead your summer?

Read more about Project Haiti:


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