Obama: Education a prerequisite to opportunity; Take responsibility for your future

President Obama asks "every American to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training. This can be a community college or a four-year school, vocational training or an apprenticeship."
Good morning Rainmakers! Hopefully you've been keeping up with the news...did you catch the President's State of the Nation address last night? If not, CNN.com has posted the SparkNotes version of the speech here. It was an eloquent speech that addresses a lot of important issues.
Something that I hope all of our Rainmakers came away with is that "Education is a prerequisite to opportunity." By education, we don't just mean your university degree -- it means being proactive in your learning and staying on top of trends and skill sets that will be necessary in the future. It means committing to internships and volunteer work that will help you gain the necessary skills and prepare you for a career.
Fortunately for you The Rainmaker Network helps university students find internship and career opportunities. Dig deep into our Web site and find a wealth of information that will help you prepare for your big break. It's coming sooner than you think!
Photo credit: http://www.voanews.com
Go watch FUEL!

Los Angeles Times Review Friday, February 13
"Fuel is a vital, superbly assembled documentary…doesn't dwell on muckraking, however; it's more focused on broadly inspiring viewers than preaching to the converted….Smartly animated interstitials, memorable archival material and a lively soundtrack round out the fast-paced proceedings.”
'Fuel' to the fire of oil addiction
"Fuel" is a vital, superbly assembled documentary that presents an insightful overview of America's troubled relationship with oil and how alternative and sustainable energies can reduce our country's -- and the world's -- addictive dependence on fossil fuels.
The film's structure is built around director-narrator Josh Tickell's personal journey of enlightenment, which started in childhood after moving with his family from idyllic Australia to murkier Louisiana, where he came to realize the oil-rich environment was being ravaged by the omnipotent petrochemical industry. Later, as a young adult, he spent 11 years crossing the country in his vegetable oil-powered "Veggie Van," promoting biofuels and compiling footage for what would become this impressively comprehensive film.
The events of Sept. 11 and Hurricane Katrina factor in both visually and thematically, providing provocative anchors for the movie's indictment of what Tickell believes is the Big Oil-cozy, ecologically indifferent Bush administration. Johnny O'Hara's WGA Award-nominated script doesn't dwell on muckraking, however; it's more focused on broadly inspiring viewers than preaching to the converted.
Interviews with a wide range of environmentalists, policy makers and educators, along with such "green" celebrities as Woody Harrelson, Sheryl Crow and Larry Hagman offer serious fuel for thought -- as well as for action. Smartly animated interstitials, memorable archival material and a lively soundtrack round out the fast-paced proceedings.
-- Gary GoldsteinGreat news for marketing and communications majors
-Accounts for 52.1% of total ad expenditures in the U.S.
-Generates about $2.057 trillion in total incremental sales
-Accounts for 10% of the total U.S. gross domestic product
-Directly employs 1.6 million people & supports another 9.3 million other jobs
Source: Direct Marketing Association
The World Tweet Center
The New York Times City Room Blog reports...
By David W. Dunlap
After years of denying accusations that it's given to frittering, the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation acknowledged on Monday that it has begun twittering. The agency invited the public to follow it on Twitter, the microblogging service.
The first tweet alerted readers to a new implementation plan and emergency health and safety plans for the deconstruction of the former Deutsche Bank building at 130 Liberty Street. The second noted the agency's assistance plan for small businesses.
Mike Murphy, the press secretary, said Twitter would also be used for notices like those last week about excess readings of manganese at 130 Liberty Street, presumably because of welding in the basement, truck traffic and other work nearby. (Welding was suspended as a result, the agency said.)
"It will be everything," Mr. Murphy said about future uses of Twitter. "Not just 130 Liberty, but that will play an important role. I think we are the first agency to do this."
Interested in Green Travel?
March 17-19, 2009: International Symposium on the Sustainable Development of Tourism, in Quebec, Canada. Intended both for the public and private sectors, the Symposium will offer workshops and presentations on major issues related to the sustainable development of tourism.
March 23-24, 2009: The Green Travel Summit is the first fully dedicated forum focused on exploring green travel strategies and their impact on business travel and corporate meetings. Join thought leaders, industry peers and progressive travel service providers who will converge under one roof to share information on the risks and rewards of building a sustainable travel and meetings strategy. To be held at the Fairmont Hotel in Newport, California.
March 27-29, 2009: International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Management, in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Maejo University is organizing its first International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Management with the theme “Management of Sustainable Tourism in the Next Decade: Prospects and Challenges”.
March 28-April 3, 2009: ICRT is offering a one week course on Responsible Tourism in Destination Management in Gambia.
April 1-4, 2009: Tourist Experiences: Meanings, Motivations & Behaviors to be held at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. The conference will focus on three broad themes within the context of tourist experiences, namely: the social and anthropological meaning or significance of tourism (individual to societal); tourist demand and motivation; and the analysis of tourist behaviors.
April 4-7, 2009: Traditions and Transformations: Tourism, Heritage and Cultural Change in the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA), Amman, Jordan. The aims of this major international and multi-disciplinary conference are to critically explore the major issues facing the MENA region with regard to the development of tourism and its relationships with heritage and culture. For details, please visit the conference website.
April 5-7, 2009:Association of Corporate Travel Executives (ACTE) Education Conference, Washington, D.C. - Register at current low rates today! Information is online for all ACTE events.
May 2009: Western States Tourism Policy Council Conference. Gateways Today: Balancing Conservation and Community in an age of Diversity, Change and Challenge. Conference originally scheduled for December 2-4, 2008 has been postponed until May, 2009, dates TBA.
May 1- 8, 2009: Rosalie Forest Eco Lodge, Commonwealth of Dominica, West Indies. Learn about the latest renewable energy technology and how it is being put into practice on local and nationwide scales on the Nature Isle of the World. If you have something eco you would like to display and want to participate actively in the event, please contact the eco-lodge for more information.
May 15-16, 2009: The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) will be holding its forthcoming Global Travel & Tourism Summit in Florianopolis, Brazil. For more information, please contact Regine Doloy via email or call +44 20 7481 8007.
May 19-22, 2009: The Third International Conference on Responsible Tourism in Destinations will be held in Belmopan, Belize. For more information regarding the conference visit http://icrtbelize.org.
July 1-3, 2009: Environmental Sustainability, Poverty Reduction and Empowering Communities Conference, in Gaborone, Botswana. The Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS) Africa, University of Botswana, and the International Geographical Union’s (IGU) Commission of Tourism, Leisure and Global Change will be hosting the ATLAS Africa conference. For more information, click here, to register for the conference email ATLAS.
August 17-19, 2009:Tourism Queensland and Gold Coast Tourism are staging the seventh National Conference on Tourism Futures at the Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort & Spa, the Gold Coast.The 2009 conference theme is ‘Redefining the Future’ and will examine the ‘over the horizon’ trends and opportunities that are reshaping the future of Australian tourism.
October 25-27, 2009: Association of Corporate Travel Executives (ACTE) Global Education Conference, Prague - REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! Information is online for all ACTE events.
November 1-3, 2009: The International Ecotourism Society's annual bi-national conference focusing on greening the tourism industry in the US and Canada, Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference, will be held in Portland, Oregon in 2009.
Spring Break Looms...U Ready?
Get away spots picked? Check
Tickets/rooms booked? Check
Travel buddies lined up? Check
Job/Internship secured? Huh?.... What?
You mean that wouldn't help you relax? Knowing you have something lined up for the summer to build or even start your life after college? Come on now...you know that's gotta get done before you head out. Really, with just a few weeks before school lets out, all of which filled with tests and finals, when were you going to start working on it? Ah, how about we start for you while you are gone. Would that help? Maybe help you relax a little more knowing you are actively pursuing career opportunities while taking the week off?
Thought so.
Take an hour, update your profile, and let The Network work for you...
The news can be a bit doom and gloom...
The news can be a bit doom and gloom sometimes...depending on your news sources! Did you know that The Rainmaker Network Webivision shows you the good news? Here's a sneak peek at some of the good times we feature:
Despite our good times, we can't deny that the economic crisis is a bit scary for new graduates. A few clicks around some major media sources will tell you that it's only getting tougher to enter the workforce. Did you know that 20% of Los Angeles County is receiving some form of public assistance? That's 2.2 million folks just like you and me who are finding the economic storm tough to weather. The tales of unemployment, debt and desperation also continue on CraigsList as well.
What's a student to do? From my experience, preparation is key. Finding resources, building networks, and realizing opportunity is usually half the battle. Students from across California have been taking advantage of the benefits The Rainmaker Network has to offer. Our graduating university students are primed for opportunity. It's time for them to lead the way!
UCSB Rainmakers A Reality
Professor Jansma and our fabulous intern Lauren Miller were instrumental in adding this wonderful school to our ranks. To them, we are muy, muy grateful for making it all happen.
Welcome UCSB students! We look forward to making your Rainmaker experience a great one!
Weekly Wrap-up!

We also met a few interesting organizations this week. You'll definitely be seeing more of them here soon!
- 31Bits: 31 Bits jewelry is made out of 100% recycled paper, posters, and magazines by internally displaced women in Northern Uganda.
- Krochet Kids International: Krochet Kids International is a youthful movement fighting poverty by producing and selling distinctive, life changing products. This movement was started by a group of university students compelled to LOVE, to help, and to have fun doing it.
- Way Basics: A great source for office or home furnishings. I had the pleasure of experiencing Way Basics' furniture building blocks. Not only do they have cool furniture but they're also in the habit of giving back and are part of the Sustainable Furnishings Council.
- VU's Students in Free Enterprise: Special thanks to VU SIFE for inviting us to the Global Awareness Fair. They have tons of interesting events for Vanguard students!
- Nightlight: Nightlight Bangkok is an organization that reaches out to exploited women and children in Thailand.
Friday the 13th was a great way to end the week.
It's been a great week over at the Rain HQ. We've had some great meetings this week and would love to thank the following organizations and, overall, very important people!

Stay tuned for more news and upcoming articles! Tis the season for internships and we're gearing up to bring you some money-and-time saving advice. Until next time, you can keep up with us in real time on Twitter @rainmakernet. For the remainder of the day, stay away from black cats and ladders!
Twestival is only 7 days away!
On February 12th 2009,
the whole world,
will use the internet,
to throw a party,
so that one in six of us doesn’t have to drink dirty water.
The first ever pan-global-flash-festival-for-a-cause.
In one week, 175 cities around the world including Hong Kong, Melbourne, London, and Los Angeles will be hosting the first ever Twestival, a world-wide gathering of Twitter communities to benefit Charity: Water, an organization that drills fresh-water-wells in countries where clean water isn’t available. Right now 1.1 billion people on the planet don’t have access to safe, clean water, and we aim to change that by throwing the best party in LA.
One part meetup, one part all-star comedy show and one part unforgettable dance party, Twestival LA is being held in the 2,000 capacity Club 740, downtown LA’s historic old Globe Theater. Featuring celebrity guests from in and out of the blogosphere, nationally headlining comedians and DJs - 100% of all ticket sales will go directly to Charity : Water’s efforts to dig clean drinking wells in impoverished nations.
(And In the 175 Twestivals being held around the world Twestival LA’s is the biggest. Would you expect anything less from the City of Angels?)
With 100% of all staff donating their time on behalf of this incredible cause, Twestival LA is an event for the people, by the people. Please be a part of this historic event as the power of the human spirit and the connectivity of twitter combine to produce a flash-festival for a cause.
Gisselle remembers a time not too long ago...
I remember being a wide eye and bushy tailed college student ready and prepared to take on the world all by myself if I had to. Somewhere along the way either through brooks, mentors, teachers, society, or just plain life I was convinced that the second I walked off that stage with my college degree in hand I would instantly be bombarded with 10-20 job offers at 6 figures each with the most amazing benefits package ever. Unfortunately this was not the case and along the way and journey through my professional career some lessons have been more difficult to learn then others. Apparently I am not the only college-educated person that felt their future would have the same storyline and found themselves very quickly slapped across the face with the “real world”, and no I'm not talking about that show MTV still manages to produce 20 seasons later.
As someone with a Master's degree in Education and more importantly someone that truly believes in the importance and value of an education and a holistic college experience I do have one beef to pick with higher Ed. I feel that there is a lack within our educational system to prepare students for life outside of the dorms, frat houses, school cafeterias, classrooms, and spring break. Where are all the classes on the importance of credit, paying utility bills, purchasing a car or renting an apartment, and most importantly finding a job in a field of your interest in an area that you are passionate about and that you just dedicated 4+ years to studying in school? No, I am not saying the theory is not important or relevant, but just as important is an experiential learning component and putting the theory and knowledge into real world practice.
The reality is that there are many things college does not prepare us for in terms of living an independent life in today’s society. So with that there is a need for a substitution. My suggestion is don’t sit around and sulk about it, do something. Be proactive instead of reactive and take charge of your future. And not 2nd semester senior year, the earlier you start the better. With thousands of students graduating every year and less and less employment opportunities due to our current economic climate companies are no longer just looking for a college degree and your GPA. They want to know more and see more. They want to see that you have taken advantage of internship and research opportunities; they want to see that you have developed a work portfolio and strong resume; they want to see that you have a professional demeanor and know how to present yourself in a professional setting and interview. These notions along with having a strong professional network behind you are the wave of the new future. Make sure you dust off your surfboard and take a ride!
* * *
Gisselle can be found in LA connecting with university students on a daily basis! Reach her at gisselle@rainmakernetwork.org
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