Technology for the Greener Good
- Laptops: With the right laptop, you're able to unplug and still get the job done. Since a lot of college work is done on the computer instead of hand written, it also reduces paper use. Put your computer in power saver mode, unplug (yes, even at home), and type away.
- Navigation systems: A little on the more expensive side, have a navigation system will definitely reduce the amount of paper (and ink) you use on Mapquest directions to the next party. Most smart phones have a navigation app, so use it wisely. Hook up your Bluetooth to the device so the directions are spoken to you. Remember, no texting and driving!
- E-readers: Some book loyalists such as myself will argue against this, but e-readers are paving the way to save a lot of trees. With e-readers, you can receive books, magazines, and newspapers on one device. This also saves your allergies as those books collect dust over the years.
- Storage devices: Backing up your files is essential in this day and age. Reduce the clutter of the mounds of childhood photos in the old albums and put them on your computer. Scared of losing them? Back them up on external hard drives like the ones from Hitachi. I personally use the G-Drive mini, which holds 250 GB of storage. That's enough for your photos, old awards, report cards, and any other embarrassing memorabilia your mom has kept from your childhood.
- Online bill pay: I don't know many young adults who don't use online banking nowadays, but it's one of the greatest inventions ever. Make sure you sign up for electronic bill pay for those credit cards, and select to receive your bank statements online as well.
- Video conferencing: Programs like iChat, Skype, and oovoo makes it easier to keep up with friends far away with using your cell phone minutes or endless text messages. Some employers are also moving to interviews via video conferencing to reduce commuting and still keep it somewhat personal.
- Online shopping: Who needs to spend time, and gas, at the mall or grocery store when you can get all your shopping done online? Places like eBay, and ClickBee have just about everything you need to buy, and you can even rent textbooks from companies online like Chegg, where they'll send you the book in the same box you'll ship it back in, or Amazon where you can find textbooks for cheap. Even hospitals like Kaiser Permanente have hopped on the bandwagon and allow you to have your prescriptions mailed to your house.
- Workout at home: You can get your workout without leaving your home! Fitness is becoming more accessible as companies bring the classes to you. YogaVibes offers classes streamed live online, and O2 Max Fitness allows you to receive nutrition and fitness advice and plans via social media, e-mails, and your cell phone.
- Distance learning: Going to school in your pajamas has been just about every kid's dream, and now you can. You can get your education without stepping foot in a classroom. More classes, and even full degrees, are being offered online through distance learning programs. One school that is on the ball is San Diego State University, who just opened a virtual campus through SecondLife technology.
- Cell phone apps: App stores are saving our butts in college and making things so much easier. There's apps for flashcards for last minute studying, accessing Microsoft Office files in case you couldn't bring your laptop, making travel arrangements easier when you're going home for break, and even an app to turn off your lights when you forgot to do it at home.
Getting Your Team To Go Green
So, you’ve made the decision to “go green” at your work or internship. You are taking a stand for sustainability. But somehow, the green starting line feels like a lonely place. Sure, you’re committed and ready to move forward, but how will you get your team in the same mindset?
It may have taken you some time to make the decision to be green, so don’t be alarmed if your staff is slow to start connecting the eco-dots. Change is hard, even good change. But there are a few things you can do to encourage your team to jump onto the green bandwagon and start building enthusiasm for your eco-friendly paradigm.
Be Knowledgeable About Your Operation—Benchmark!
Strive to learn all you can about the environmental effects of your business operations. Find out how many kWh of electricity your hotel averages per occupied room; how many gallons of water per occupied room; and your ratio of waste to recycled materials. The American Hotel & Lodging Association provides a spreadsheet to help you establish benchmarks and document your progress, and members can take advantage of GreenQuest, a free online tool provided courtesy of Burton Energy Group. Use these tools to define and establish your goals, and then continually measure and discuss your progress. Build enthusiasm for reaching milestones.
Speak the Language—But Don’t Show Off
Understand green terminology. But know how to translate green-speak into layman’s terms. Once you have command of your green vocabulary, you will find it easier to explain environmental concepts to team members in meaningful terms. Again, AH&LA has provided a glossary of terms that will aid you in this process.
Diversify Your Green Team
Don’t make the obvious mistake of selecting only department heads to be on your green team, especially if you sense reluctance from them. Instead, find cheerleaders, those with passion for the cause, who will help to build enthusiasm long after the green meeting has adjourned. Interview interested employees to be sure they understand the mission of the team and can fulfill the duties with the needed level of conviction.
Hold a Kick-Off Event
Set up a table in your employee break room with information on the new green initiatives. Use balloons, posters, anything to draw attention and make it fun. Communicate the benefits of going green and provide recycling commitment cards (visit America Recycles Day website for sample forms). Consider offering ceramic coffee cups to those who sign commitments to help them reduce the use of disposable cups. Take pictures or video and post them to keep people engaged.
Solicit Feedback
Ask your team for their ideas on how to more effectively reach the new goals. This communicates that you’re all in it together, and everyone makes a difference. Use suggestion boxes and employee surveys. Provide incentives and give recognition for making suggestions. Hold a brainstorming meeting. Make it safe to suggest—there are no bad ideas when it comes to helping the planet.
Set an Example
Publicly recycle. Visibly adjust thermostats. Openly turn off lights. And yes, be seen going through the trash to remove recyclable items. Be a role model for taking a stand to make a difference. Be consistent, every day, every hour. Your team will respect this and follow your lead.
Keep Learning
There is so much to know about environmental stewardship. Keep yourself informed. Subscribe to news and blogs relating to sustainability and green hotels, such as Green Lodging News. Strive to learn something new daily, and share it with your team.
Celebrate Achievements
Make a big deal when things go right! People need to know that their efforts are paying off, so share the good news about your waste reduction, water conservation, and energy savings successes. Post it on bulletin boards and feature it in your newsletter. Incorporate ecology into your instant recognition programs, and catch people in the act of being green. A little celebration goes a long way.
Don’t Lose Heart
Along the way, there will be setbacks. You might be tempted to feel discouraged when people temporarily forget about green initiatives. Remember that humans learn through repetition. It takes 21 days, and 30 to 40 repetitions to form a habit. Your team needs to know that you are there to lead the charge through thick and thin. When you witness a green indiscretion, correct it, forgive it, and don’t stop believing. Always trust that your efforts are changing the world, one initiative at a time.
Julie A. Baylor, CHA, Julie Baylor Hospitality Consulting, can be reached at julie.baylor[at]
This article first appeared on the Green Lodging News website. Syndicated by Sustainable Travel International.
The tech crisis you're not prepared for
It is safe to say that the average college student has a cell phone and computer. Chances are, if you were ever forced to live without either of them for more than 24 hours you might go a little crazy. Now, imagine if all of the information you've stored on these two machines evaporated into nothingness. Does pandemonium ensue? Do you give up on modern life and move into a cabin into the middle of the woods and live off the land? Probably not, but it certainly doesn't hurt to have a backup plan in place just in case this unfortunate situation does occur.
The biggest tech crisis you're not prepared for is when technology fails you.
I know this because I've lived it a few times. The blood drains backwards from your extremities, you get a bit lightheaded, and maybe you pretend like it didn't happen for a few minutes. Then the panic sets in and you wish that you could move backwards in time.
Luckily, you kind of can! Back up your data. Here are a few pointers:
- Get a reliable back-up external hard drive. I've had a few cheapies but even they've crashed my data long before my computer did, which defeated the purpose of backing it up. I recommend G-Tech drives because they 1) stay cool to the touch 2) don't spin the drive too much 3) have a well designed shell and 4) last longer than the average drive. (Our lucky Rainmakers get a one-time 15% discount on their first purchase online!)
- Get a few memory sticks for day-to-day files.
- Burn discs and mail them to your parents (in case of fires or theft).
- Schedule a weekly back-up day. (I back up on Saturdays.)
How to back up a...
- PC: Go to Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Backup.
- Mac: Use Time Machine
- Both: Manually back up your files (watch this tutorial).
- Blackberry: Use Desktop Connect to backup and restore your data.
- iPhone or iPod: iTunes does it for you (here's a tutorial)
Take five minutes out of your weekend and back up your stuff! You'll be glad you did.
The Plastiki Sets Sail

If you’ve been reading my blog or Tweets for a while, you know I’m not a fan of plastic. Well David de Rothschild, founder of Adventure Ecology, has found a way to make plastic work. After being inspired almost four years ago by a United Nations Environment Program Report, de Rothschild had an idea to build the world’s first boat made completely of recycled plastic bottles. David and his crew, heading from
The Plastiki, a 60-foot catamaran, is named after the Kon-Tiki -- the raft used by Norwegian explorer and writer, Thor Heyerdahl, in his 1947 expedition across the Pacific Ocean from
The Plastiki is made of 12,500 reclaimed plastic bottles. She will travel 11,000 nautical miles across the Pacific to both raise awareness about the condition of our oceans as well as to see first hand the impact we people having on the environment. The Great Eastern Garbage Patch is one of the destinations prior to completing the journey three months later in
I was lucky enough to be invited to the Plastiki’s press unveiling a few weeks ago. I met the crew and was even able to go on board and check her out myself. David de Rothschild’s passion for this project and the environment is
obvious. For the past several years his life has been dedicated to saving our planet – even at great risk of his own.
Jo Royle, the Plastiki’s award-winning Skipper (hear my interview with her), was super-sweet and very enthusiastic about spreading the message about plastic and other pollutants in our oceans. Jo shared something that really made such an impact on me- and makes no sense to her: The boating industry is responsible for producing incredibly toxic waste, even though their own captains and crews see the effects first hand. Isn’t it time to change?
Another interesting person (and crew member) I met was Olav Heyerdahl -- Thor Heyerdahl’s (Norwegian explorer, writer and Captain of the Kon-Tiki mentioned above) grandson. Olav shared some of his own experiences sailing the world, comparing his journeys to those of his grandfather’s, via diaries and logs meticulously kept by the elder Heyerdahl. Since his grandfather’s travels, the condition of our oceans has changed drastically. Where sharks made it nearly impossible for his grandfather to swim, Olav said he has seen only a few. Where his grandfather was able to eat tuna daily, Olav only had one such, because there just wasn’t any tuna to be caught. Olav, unfortunately, has seen an abundance of trash, especially plastic; his grandfather, however, saw none. In fact, his grandfather never recorded seeing any man-made debris.
The Plastiki
Not that I’m an expert on boat building, but my first impression was how sleek she is. Nothing I saw made me think she was built from recycled materials. Actual bottles make up the body of the boat and provide nearly 70% of her buoyancy. The glue, made especially for the Plastiki, is a special mix of cashews and sugar (ok, yum!). The sails are one of the first to be made from recycled plastic and the masts are constructed from aluminum irrigation piping.
Matthew Grey, the Expedition Coordinator, demonstrated one of the most unique and interesting features of the boat – the on-board bicycle. The bike has a dual purpose: 1) to help prevent loss of muscle mass, and 2) to generate power.
One of my most favorite features was the vegetable garden. As a nutritionist and vegetarian, I thought this was such a great idea. Having on-board access to fresh, organic greens will no doubt help keep everyone healthy.
It took immense effort to make the Plastiki as sustainable as possible and if it’s possible for a boat, it’s no doubt possible for any building or structure. The homes we live in, the cars we drive, the offices we work in can all be made less toxic! The technology is out there. It takes commitment, but as David de Rothschild, his crew and the developing team have proven, it’s possible.
I commend them all for their dedication. David said that one of his goals was to show that it could be done. the Plastiki will definitely inspire other industries to head in the same direction.
Now I ask, how can you raise awareness and have a positive impact?
Live natural. Live well.
Check out Heather's site,
What does success look like?
When juggling multiple responsibilities it is easy to get sidetracked by the immediacy of today instead of focusing on the end goal or the future. Getting caught up in the minutia of classes and work can leave you exhausted and rather short-sighted, but it is important to take some time to make a plan.
The semester/quarter is rapidly coming to an end for many students across the country. While you are facing transition into either the summer session or vacation, set aside an hour or so and map out your career and personal development goals.
- What is your definition of success?
- Where do you see yourself next year?
- What do you need to do to get there?
- What kind of career would you like to pursue in five years?
- What types of skills will you need to acquire to attain the career of your dreams?
- What new or emerging technologies will keep you ahead of the curve?
- Have you updated your resume, references, work portfolio and TRN profile?
What I Learned Today: Volume 1
- They will respect you more
- You will understand their idea/ vision/ pitch/ request
- You will become a valued and indispensable employee
- And because it's just the RIGHT and polite thing to do
Trust me, I love being attached to my phone just as much as the next girl or boy, but there is a time when you need to just flip it to silence and deal. When in serious business meetings pay attention and listen! Show your co-workers and more importantly your boss why they hired you. When the presentation is all done; Get back to work so it won’t even look like you skipped a beat.
Tips To Beginning Your Career

At The Rainmaker Network, we encourage you to apply this philosophy to your job search. YOU are the product, and what makes YOU different will help you rise to the top and distinguish yourself from other entry-level graduates who are also out there looking, and competing, for the same jobs.
When marketers sell products, they focus primarily on a target audience. Hiring managers are your target audience. What are these hiring managers looking for? To give you a starting point, it comes down to going the extra mile.
- Have an old fashioned, strong work ethic
- Be detail-oriented
- Get along with other people
We encourage you to read job descriptions for entry-level positions and look for the listed skills and qualifications. Incorporate these skills into a “Summary of Qualifications” section at the top of your resume. Recruiters and hiring managers will appreciate that you have the attributes of an employee that they are looking for, and that you have clearly highlighted these qualifications on your resume. Your own USP can be a combination of your internships, accomplishments, academic achievements and unique qualities. Remember that both knowing and conveying what makes you unique is critical to your career.
By Maggie Lee, Entry Level Job and Career Columnist
Road Trip
I embarked on an adventure to the Study Abroad office during one of my breaks to see if there was any information on studying "within." Just when I almost gave up, I found a flimsy pamphlet that mentioned 3 words: backpacking, USA, and Canada. Canada isn't of much interest to me, and neither is backpacking, but the USA appeals to me!
It turns out that exploring the US is much more affordable than I imagined, and pretty green too! If you use public transit like Greyhound or Amtrak, you can explore so many cities for a reduced price! Even plane tickets for students are within most college budgets.
Greyhound and Amtrak have reduced student rates, and a website called Student Universe sells plane tickets for less. Stay in themed hostels around the country, and you have yourself a road trip! Maybe I'll bump into you during the summer.
Getting a Head Start: Saving for Retirement Early On

The opportunity to enjoy life and to be financially free is for everyone to experience at every age. But how do you begin to excel at something you don’t understand? Do it in the same way you do now--learn, take action and keep the momentum going.
How do you prepare for your financial future? The answer is easy: it’s done the same way in which you began your college career and how you will find your dream job: by becoming informed and taking action. Begin with assembling helpful resources, leverage your network and then invest in your future. This month we’ll focus on what perspective you must have in order to craft a financially successful life.
First, why are you in college? Most students attend school in order to prepare for a life doing something they love. And why do we work? To leave a legacy, to enjoy ourselves and to earn money. Money allows us to afford opportunity.
With finances, it’s easy to rob ourselves of opportunity by making the wrong decisions, delaying action and not leveraging our resources. There’s something very critical that’s coming down the pipeline: two thirds of Baby Boomers don’t have enough time left to be able to save up enough to retire. That’s two out of three of your or your friend’s grandparents! Why is that? The high numbers almost don’t make any sense. They had the same tools available to them as you do today.
One answer to this issue is that many Baby Boomers didn’t start contributing to their retirement early enough to allow compounded interest to work in their favor. But it can for you. You’ve got the benefit of many years ahead of you to create financial sustainability for your future self. The sooner you start, the more time the compounded interest has to accrue. Though retirement might seem as far away as the moon, it's closer than you think. We need to shift the paradigm about when is the right time to start saving for the future. It’s easy to think that retiring is for elders and since you’re not “old” it’s not for you to consider at this time in your life...except it is. Start early and leverage your time to your advantage.
Retirement is for everyone. We all face it and we all should be planning for it as soon as we start working.
Whichever life path you choose, I guarantee you, your career ends best when you are financially free and empowered!
By Onna Young
What? No coffee?
Almost all of my patients regularly drink coffee when they first come to see me. And you know what they hate to give up as much as sugar? That’s right, coffee. If you’re a coffee drinker, you’re not going to like what you’re about to read. But this information is vital. Many think it’s good for you. At least decaf isn’t bad for you, right? Sorry! You want to know why I encourage them to give it up? Keep reading!
Caffeine combines with the stomach’s hydrochloric acid to form a potent toxin, caffeine hydrochloride. When it’s absorbed, bile is released in an attempt to flush the toxin from your system. This accounts for increased bowel regularity, of which many coffee drinkers boast. If you only have a bowel movement after your morning coffee, most likely your body has become dependent on the laxative side effect.
Decaffeinated coffee is no better, because it contains a large concentration of the chemical Trichloroethylene. It is used mostly as a de-greasing agent in the metal industry and as a dry cleaning agent and is linked to liver cancer.
Because the liver is overworked to detoxify chemical residues in coffee, long-term coffee drinkers often have a toxic, congested liver and impure blood. The function of the liver is to filter the blood so it can nourish your cells. When the liver is congested, the blood doesn’t get filtered and it deposits impure blood into the cells. Then your cells can’t regenerate and grow healthy tissue, which can lead to degenerative diseases. A congested liver can manifest as dark spots/liver spots on the skin as people age. Most people think those spots are a normal=healthy part of aging. Think again!
Adrenal Exhaustion
Coffee stimulates your adrenal glands to secrete adrenalin, which activate your fight or flight response. This stimulates insulin secretion and leads to secondary hypoglycemia, which result in a mild rise in blood pressure, 2-3 hours later a craving for sweets, low energy and mood, and overworking the adrenals.
Weight gain is another result of adrenal exhaustion. Cortisol (a stress hormone) is released when you drink any coffee. This triggers your body produce more fat. Many coffee drinkers have a hard time losing belly fat as a result.
Also- when your adrenal glands are stimulated too often, they eventually burn out.
This burn out will lead to your body searching for a replacement hormone -progesterone. Progesterone helps keep your body’s estrogen in balance. As your progesterone is used up compensating for your exhausted adrenals, you can become estrogen dominant, which eventually leads to osteoporosis.
Coffee also raises the acidity levels of your blood, causing calcium to be pulled from your bones and teeth to use as a buffering agent. The combination of estrogen dominance and high blood acidity puts you at an even greater risk for osteoporosis and kidney stones.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Most heavy coffee drinkers have a B-1 (Thiamine) deficiency with symptoms of fatigue, nervousness, aches and pains, and headaches. Drinking coffee and tea reduces iron absorption by 40 to 60%, thereby increasing the risk of anemia.
Regular coffee drinking prevents some nutrients from being absorbed in your small intestines, which leads to further vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The results- gray hair, a distended belly, constipation, spastic colon or irritable bowel, an enlarged gall bladder, and high cholesterol and triglycerides.
Other Side Effects
Some adverse effects of drinking coffee include: insomnia, tremors, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, headaches, temporary increase in the stiffening of arterial walls, elevated blood pressure and/or cholesterol levels, irregular heartbeats and palpitations, increased risk of a heart attack, PMS symptoms, increased risk of bladder and rectal cancer, and higher risk of the birth of a low-birth-weight child.
Because caffeine increases the production of stomach acid, high consumption over time can lead to peptic ulcers, erosive esophagitis and acid reflux/GERD.
Caffeine is a very strong diuretic (makes you pee). Most coffee drinkers are dehydrated, resulting in electrolyte imbalances, hypotension, kidney failure and confusion (even coma) due to decreased blood flow to organs and brain.
I know the thought of giving up your morning coffee sounds almost impossible. The caffeine in the coffee belongs to the same alkaloid group as morphine, cocaine, and strychnine, making it really hard to give it up. But think of how much better you’ll feel once you’ve quit. The initial withdrawal symptoms and crankiness will subside. If you’re worried about being tired at work, then slowly make the switch to green tea or kombucha (a healthier drink for energy and health). It will be worth it.
Live natural. Live well.
Heather Lounsbury, L.Ac.
Check out Heather's Web site at
Three things you need to have before your next meeting
I attend lots of meetings: some formal, some casual, a few impromptu. Most of the time I am paying attention, listening, and taking notes, but sometimes the conversation unexpectedly swings back towards me. The most important thing to do in situations like that is to be prepared!
Here are a few things that will help keep you looking great in the spotlight (and not like a deer in the headlights):
- Have your business card ready. Keep it in an easily accessible place and pull it out of its case or sleeve gracefully. Always request one in return.
- Have your elevator pitch ready. You'll need to be able to rattle it off whenever someone starts asking you about you. It'll be disguised in requests like, "Tell me about yourself," "What's your background?" or "What do you do for (insert your company name here)?" Nothing's worse than being caught off-guard. The ability to deliver your elevator pitch with conviction will help you exude confidence, even if you're a little shaky on the inside.
- Learn some dining and/or business etiquette. I highly suggest attending a workshop with Lisa, our etiquette expert over at Beverly Hills Manners. Chances are, you will all be starting at the entry or intern level. I highly suggest that you defer to those around you. For example, allow more experienced associates to lead the conversation and dining. This is a sign of your respect for them and for the situation.
The Good News

Empowering Africa Through Gaming
Urgent Evoke: It's a brand new online game that is revolutionizing how and why we play. Created by a designer who sees gamers as "superheroes with untapped potential," Jane McGonigal is harnessing their legendary dedication and commitment to the game for a greater good.
Read more about Urgent Evoke:
Penn State Students Help Haiti
It's called Project Haiti. Each year since 1997, a group of Penn State students have traveled to Haiti on their Spring Break and donated clothing and toys to children at the Maison Fortune orphanage near Hinche. This year, as always, Penn students are bringing bags bursting with supplies- but they're also arriving with a sense of urgency. Project Haiti's leader, Senior Alain Bonny, is from the nation. He lost three family members to the quake. Despite his loss, Bonny is determined to lead his fellow students on their mission to Maison Fortune and to help as many people as they can. Bonny will return later in the summer to help his own family recover.
Although Project Haiti is a huge Spring Break trip, there are many ways to donate your time to the community. What do you plan on doing for Spring Break- and how will you lead your summer?
Read more about Project Haiti:

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